
Felix Marcu PhD

Project Manger

Felix Marcu is a historian, expert in cultural heritage, expert archaeologist; he has experience in organizing exhibitions, in research and in the promotion of cultural heritage, in conducting research and cultural projects. He also has institutional management experience. He manages, supervises and controls the project.

George Cupcea PhD

Assistant manager

George Cupcea is a historian, expert in cultural heritage, expert archaeologist; he has experience in organizing exhibitions, in research and in the promotion of cultural heritage, in conducting research and cultural projects. He also has institutional management experience. Together with the manager, he monitors the project, the calendar of activities and ensures that the promotion of the project meets the standards imposed by the image of the institution.

Victoria Barabas

Financial manager

Victoria Barabas is an expert economist; she has experience in the financial management of cultural projects. She ensures the financial control of this project.


Eugenia Beu-Dachin PHD

museographer – curator

Eugenia Beu-Dachin is the scientific responsible of the project. She is a historian, expert in cultural heritage. She has experience in organizing exhibitions, in research and in the promotion of cultural heritage, in editing specialized volumes, scientific journals, and exhibition catalogs, in digitizing heritage. She also has experience in conducting research and cultural projects. Her responsibilities include direct involvement in organizing the exhibition, in the scientific processing of the material, in editing the exhibition catalog, preparation of scientific materials to be used in cultural activities. She manages collaboration with foreign experts (restorer, Egyptologist), participates in the organization of the team’s working meetings, and organizes, together with the conservator, the sub-activities which will result in various investigations needed in the conservation and restoration process; organizes guided tours and cultural activities.

Irina Nemeti PhD


Irina Nemeti is a historian, expert in cultural heritage. She has experience in organizing exhibitions, in research and in the promotion of cultural heritage, in editing specialized volumes, scientific journals, and exhibition catalogs, in digitizing heritage. She also has experience in conducting research and cultural projects. The responsibilities within the project aim at the involvement in the organization of the exhibition, in the scientific processing of the material, in the editing of the exhibition catalog, the preparation of the scientific materials that will be used in the cultural activities, the classification of the items of the collection in the national patrimony. She organizes a program of guided tours and coordinates the training of volunteer students, and also participates in the organization of cultural activities.

Diana Bindea PhD


Diana Bindea is a biologist and conservator. She has experience in the management and conservation of the cultural heritage, contributing in the realization of exhibitions, digital management of documents. She deals with the conservation of the Egyptian collection, which includes osteological material (human / animal) belonging to mummies, and wood, ceramic, or metal objects. She participates in the organization of various investigations, fills out the conservation sheets of the entire collection, and provides access to the objects during the project. She researches the mummies and participates in the realization of the catalog as an author.

Ioana Cova


Ioana Cova’s master degree is in the valorization and conservation of the cultural heritage. She is an expert restorer, with experience in textile conservation and restoration. Within the project she deals with the restoration of textiles and she also has research activities.

Sabin Grapini


Sabin Grapini is an expert restorer. His main experience is in the field of wood and painting restoration. He deals with the restoration of the Egyptian collection, and also has research activity within the project.

Monica Bodea PhD


Monica Bodea is a historian. She has experience in the promotion of the patrimony, and in museum pedagogy activities, dealing with their organization and coordinating the volunteer students involved in the program.

Sanda Man


Sanda Man has experience in public relations. She is responsible for communicating with the public and the press; she prepares the press documentation, promotes the project, the exhibition, and the cultural and museum pedagogy activities. She also deals with monitoring the public, and this activity results in studies on public participation in events.


Kóthay Katalin PhD

Egyptologist, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest.

Egyptologist, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. She ensures the non-formal training of the project staff, participating in the realization of the exhibition catalog, as an author.

Galambos Éva PhD

restorer, Associate professor at the University of Fine Arts, Budapest.

She ensures the non-formal training of the project staff, takes photos of some objects from the Egyptian collection, in UV light, she provides digital microscopy, pigment determination.

Colaboratori expoziție

Dr. John Baines – egiptolog, prof. emerit, Universitatea Oxford, Londra

Dr. Melinda Mitu – muzeograf, MNIT

Dana Gheorghe Șerban – designer, MNIT

Sergiu Odenie – fotograf, MNIT

Cristina Rădulescu – fotograf

Luminița Săsăran – conservator, geolog, MNIT

Andrea Beatrix Magó – conservator, investigator chimist, MNIT

Ana Maria Gologan – conservator, MNIT

Anca Bâlc – desenator, MNIT

Florin Runcan – inginer, MNIT

Cristina Țopan – inginer, MNIT

Daniela Popa – economist, MNIT

Alexandru Runcan – tehnician, MNIT

Dr. Robert Purdoiu – medic veterinar, conf. univ., Universitatea de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară, Cluj-Napoca

Péter Wagner – arhitect

Zsigmond Sütő – inginer

Lehel Makara, Dragoș Drăgan Hlinca - muzeotehnică

Dr. Radu Lăcătuș – medic veterinar, conf. univ., Universitatea de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară, Cluj-Napoca

Dr. Szilárd Sándor Gál – muzeograf, antropolog, Muzeul Județean Mureș

Dr. Călin Neamțu – inginer, conf. univ., Universitatea Tehnică, Cluj-Napoca

Gheorghina Olariu – chimist, conservator, Muzeul Județean Satu Mare

Szvák Enikő – antropolog, Muzeul de Științele Naturii, Budapesta

Krisztián Kiss – antropolog, Universitatea Eötvös Loránd, Budapesta

Xénia Furu – arhitect

Film documentar

Marieta Manolache – regizor, operator sunet, editor

Gabriel Chelcea – operator imagine, editor

Gabriela Manolache – editor